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Fizz Build Guide For League Of Legends S14 Patch 1412

Fizz Build Guide for League of Legends S14 Patch 1412


Fizz is a highly mobile and versatile assassin who excels in the mid lane. With his slippery kit and high burst damage, he can quickly eliminate enemy carries and disrupt their team fights. In this guide, we will discuss the best Fizz build for Season 14 Patch 1412, covering everything from runes to skill order to itemization.


Primary Runes

* Electrocute: Grants bonus adaptive damage on your next ability after immobilizing or damaging an enemy. * Sudden Impact: Gives bonus penetration when you use an ability after dashing or jumping. * Eyeball Collection: Collects bonus damage for takedowns. * Ultimate Hunter: Reduces the cooldown of your ultimate ability with each takedown.

Secondary Runes

* Inspiration: * Perfect Timing: Grants a free Stopwatch at 10 minutes. * Cosmic Insight: Reduces cooldowns of summoner spells and item actives. * Domination: * Taste of Blood: Heals you for a small amount for damaging an enemy champion.

Skill Order

  1. Chum the Waters (Q): Fizz's primary wave-clearing and engage tool.
  2. Seastone Trident (W): Provides burst damage and mobility.
  3. Playful / Trickster (E): Fizz's escape and initiation ability.
  4. Chum the Waters (Q): Max second for increased wave clear and damage.
  5. Seastone Trident (W): Max third for increased burst potential.

Item Build

Core Items

* Luden's Tempest: Provides mana, ability power, and wave-clearing capabilities. * Sorcerer's Shoes: Enhances magic penetration. * Zhonya's Hourglass: Grants stasis shield for survivability.

Situational Items

* Lich Bane: Enhances Fizz's basic attacks after using an ability. * Void Staff: Further increases magic penetration against high-resistance enemies. * Rabadon's Deathcap: Amplifies ability power for maximum damage output. * Banshee's Veil: Provides spell shield to block incoming crowd control.


Fizz is a mid-to-late game champion who relies on his mobility and burst damage to secure kills. In the early game, focus on farming and poking your opponent with your Q and W. Avoid extended trades, as Fizz is relatively squishy. As you level up, look for opportunities to roam and gank other lanes.

In team fights, Fizz excels at diving the enemy backline and assassinating their carries. Use your E to engage or disengage, and follow up with your Q and W for maximum damage. Activate your Zhonya's Hourglass if you need to survive incoming burst or crowd control.


By following this build and playstyle guide, you can maximize your potential as Fizz in League of Legends S14 Patch 1412. Remember to adapt your build and playstyle to the specific game situation and enemy team composition. With practice, you can master the slippery fish and dominate the mid lane.
