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Lightning Strike Injures Ten At Dresden Riverbank

Lightning Strike Injures Ten at Dresden Riverbank

4 Sustain Serious Injuries in Monday Evening Incident

Quick Response from Emergency Services Prevents Further Casualties

In a sudden and alarming event, ten individuals have been injured, four of them critically, following a lightning strike at the Elbe Riverbank in Dresden on Monday evening. The incident occurred during a thunderstorm, with lightning bolts striking the popular promenade near the city center.

Emergency services responded swiftly to the scene, providing immediate medical attention to the victims. The injured were transported to local hospitals for further treatment, with some requiring intensive care.

Among the injured are tourists, locals, and individuals simply enjoying the evening atmosphere. The lightning strike occurred without warning, leaving little time for people to seek shelter. The cause of the incident is still under investigation by authorities.

Witnesses described a loud crack of thunder followed by a blinding flash of light, which struck a group of people gathered near a riverfront bench. The aftermath was chaotic, with several individuals lying on the ground, some unconscious.

Response teams, including paramedics, firefighters, and police, cordoned off the area and provided assistance to those affected. Local hospitals have activated emergency protocols to handle the influx of injured patients.

The incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of thunderstorms and the importance of seeking shelter during such conditions. Officials are urging the public to be aware of the risks associated with severe weather and to follow safety guidelines.

Additional details and updates on the condition of the injured individuals will be provided as they become available.
